What to Think When Grief Scatters All Over Your Day Like a Dropped Armful of Ceramic Dishes
I broke some dishes a while back.
Not just any dishes.
Important ones. Sentimental ones.
The dishes my mother gave me just before […]
I broke some dishes a while back.
Not just any dishes.
Important ones. Sentimental ones.
The dishes my mother gave me just before […]
Wood rot.
It can happen almost anywhere.
In poorly ventilated houses. In improperly insulated buildings. On inadequately tarred ships.
Concealed places, disregarded places.
Places […]
A door shut tight. A movie neatly wrapped. An answer decisive and clear.
It’s what we all want.
What we crave.
When […]
“What’s in a name?”
Said Shakespeare’s Juliet to her Romeo.
From atop her rose-covered balcony, Juliet refused to accept the substance of […]