For Pastor’s Wives2025-02-12T17:03:26-06:00

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Why Trying to Be Perfect Is So Overrated

February 12th, 2025|

As a pastor’s wife, I wish I was perfect. Don’t you? I wish I could say the right things at the right time. I wish I could do the right things too. I wish I could quote scripture with accurate attributions, to not be so sensitive to others’ remarks, to remember to grab my Bible while wrangling my kids out the door. And, by golly, I wish my hair didn’t frizz like a crazed poodle when its humid, which usually happens on Sunday morning, like clockwork. To desire perfection, after all, does make perfect sense. Our culture puts tons of pressure on [...]

What Does God Expect of Me, a Pastor’s Wife?

January 9th, 2025|

I sat in a spacious living room munching on chips and salsa surrounded by twelve other lovely ladies doing the same. It was the sixth week of our women’s Bible study, and the conversation had turned refreshingly authentic, soul quenching even. It was so quenching, in fact, I started to let my guard down. I allowed myself to simply be one of the girls, for a little while. But an obscure passage from Leviticus came up in the reading. No one in the group understood it very well, least of all me. I mean I love to study scripture, but I have no [...]

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